Reactive Rover Tips: 10 Alternatives To Neighborhood Walks
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

Reactive Rover Tips: 10 Alternatives To Neighborhood Walks

Just like clockwork, your regular walks with your dog unravel the same way each day. Whether your dog struggles with issues based in fear, aggression, over-arousal, or frustration, you likely struggle to prevent big reactions from happening when they encounter trigger after trigger that they’re not yet ready to tolerate on your regular loop around the neighborhood or through your apartment complex. But, their dogs still need mental stimulation and physical exercise, so what are they supposed to do?!

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The Marker System In Dog training- why and how?
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

The Marker System In Dog training- why and how?

If you ever book a training package with us, you’ll likely be quickly shown how to use a “marker system” in your training from the very beginning of the consultation. We use markers in our training here at Rehab Your Rescue to keep training sessions precise and provide clarity to our dogs. If you’ve never heard of using a marker in training before, here’s a quick breakdown of why we use them, and how to get started with using them in your training.

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The Rule of 3
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

The Rule of 3

I spend a lot of time discussing the rule of three and decompression in my behavior programs. 90% of my clients are rescue dogs. It is important to note that not all rescue dogs come with baggage, but I still give every dog the same amount of grace.

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Keeping your dog safe and cool in the summer heat
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

Keeping your dog safe and cool in the summer heat

It’s just past mid-May, and here in Texas temperatures have already quickly risen! While the Summer season can bring tons of opportunities to engage in fun outdoor activities for you and your dog, they can also bring a number of risks if you aren’t careful. Summer temperatures can lead to a number of heat-related illnesses, and many can be quickly fatal if you don’t recognize the signs and seek medical attention in time. Thankfully, we’ve got some tips to keep you and your dog safe in the heat while enjoying the Summer months together!

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3 rules for living with children and a new puppy
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

3 rules for living with children and a new puppy

Some of you may be bringing home or have already brought home a new puppy into a household with children or toddlers. While this can be a really rewarding and exciting experience for kids, we want to make sure both they and your puppy are set up for a healthy, safe long-term relationship together. The precedents we set now for our children and dogs will help carry over into the rest of their life. There are TONS of different new aspects to raising a puppy in a home with children, but these are the top three pieces of advice we find ourselves giving the most:

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What does licking REALLY mean?
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

What does licking REALLY mean?

People often assume by default that a dog licking them is always a good thing. While in certain circumstances the licking can be innocuous enough, in many cases we will mistakenly misinterpret a dog’s licking as “showing love” instead of it’s true intent of communication.

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What is a decompression walk?
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

What is a decompression walk?

Many of us spend a lot of time walking our dogs. We take them out during our lunch breaks for a quick lap around the block, we take them with us on our morning workout, and some of us use walks to keep up with our dog’s training in distracting environments. But, how often do you take your dog out on decompression walks, too?

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Myths About Training dogs with food rewards
Beth Berkobien Beth Berkobien

Myths About Training dogs with food rewards

If someone were to ask you about the best way to train your dog, what answer would come to your mind? If you ask a group of people this question, it’s likely that you will get several different kinds of answers with several different perspectives. This is because dog training as an industry is widely unregulated, and leaves room for lots of different viewpoints about the best way to change canine behavior. However, some methods and perspectives are based in myths, while others can be backed with current scientific findings. When it comes to training with positive reinforcement and rewards, you may have heard conflicting information about how it works.

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