dog and Baby Prep Program
Are you expecting? is your Dog ready for the new arrival?
Preparing your dog for the arrival of a new baby is an important step to ensure a smooth transition for both your furry friend and your growing family. Dogs can be sensitive to changes in their environment, so it's crucial to take proactive steps to help them adjust.
Lets start your dog off on the right Paw to meet baby!
Preparing your dog for the arrival of a new baby is important for several reasons:
Safety: Ensuring your dog is prepared for the baby helps prevent potential accidents or incidents.
Behavioral Adjustment: Dogs are creatures of habit, and they may become stressed or anxious when faced with significant changes in their routine or environment.
Emotional Well-being: Dogs can have a range of emotional responses to the arrival of a new baby, including anxiety or resource guarding.
Maintaining a Happy Home: A well-prepared dog is more likely to coexist harmoniously with a new baby.
Preventing Behavioral Issues: Failure to prepare your dog for a new baby can lead to aggression, fear, or anxiety. Taking proactive steps can prevent these issues from arising.
Positive Interactions: Preparing your dog for the baby can help create a positive association between the dog and the baby, fostering safe environment for both.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your dog is well-prepared for the baby's arrival can provide peace of mind for you as a parent. You can be more confident that your dog will behave appropriately and safely around the baby.
How the program works?
This program can be virtual or in person (in DFW). We will:
Set up growl zones - teaching your dog tethering and place behaviors
Desensitize to baby crying
Expose your dog to strollers, crib and other baby equipment
Working through any behavior issues that may already exist, such as resource guarding, human aggression or fear reactivity
Program consists of:
One hour virtual consultation
Six 30 minute working sessions (virtual or in person)
Unlimited video review
Support when baby arrives
Cost of program is $695 ($185 for consultation and balance of $510 due before working sessions)
Refund policy: There are no refunds on all packages and services. Packages are non-transferrable.